This year's chairs have finally been chosen! They are hardworking, dedicated and ready to meet you! If you need something before or during 2019's conference they will answer each and every one of your questions.
Here are there names:
Disarmament & International Security Committee:
Yannis Apostolakopoulos
Norbert Angelopoulos
Economic & Financial Committee:
Élie Tokpa
Adélie de la Rosa
Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Committee:
Joanna Rellou
Tina Chahda
Legal Committee:
Alexia Pagonis
Athanassios Gatsis
Human Rights Council:
Natalia Apessou
Orestis Gryspos
Maria Fakhouri
Sofoklis Papanikolaou
Environmental Committee:
Vanessa Kolovos
Malena Katsiamboula
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:
Harry Karaiossifides
Rozet Balliou
Security Council:
Antonio Ballesta-Angelakis
Eurydice Costopoulou
Historical Crisis:
Milena Atmatzidi
Ion Paschalidis
Stay tuned for upcoming photos of the preparation of your chairs and their study guides!